Junior Am Information
The Lakes at Castle Hills
699 Lady of the Lake Boulevard
Lewisville, TX 75056
March 9, 2025 – 1:00pm Shotgun Start
KWI Modified Scramble Format – Teams consist of 2 Junior Girls and 2 Amateur Sponsor competitors.
- Registration begins at 11am and a box lunch will be provided.
- Range and practice facilities privileges are included.
- Junior Girls will play their own ball throughout the hole.
- Amateur Sponsors may select the best DRIVE among the four players. The 2 sponsors will scramble between themselves from that point forward.
- Team score will consist of one of the Junior Girls scores and the Sponsors Scramble score.
- There will be a Bogey maximum for all players and teams.
- Players that are “out of the hole” based on other team partners within the group are to pick up to maintain the pace of play.
- In the event of a tie for First Place, we will enact a Scorecard Playoff – Per the U.S.G.A. recommendation, the low back nine total is the first tie-breaker. If a tie still exists the tiebreaker will delineate down as follows; the last six holes (#13-#18), then the last three holes (#16-#18), and finally the #18th hole to determine the winner. If a tie remains we will move to the 1st hole and proceed in order until a winner is determined.
USGA Rules will govern all play. In addition, the following local rules will apply:
Men will play from the BLUE TEES
Ladies will play from the RED TEES
Junior Girls will play from the BLUE TEES
Men 70 & Over will have the option to play from the RED TEES
• Οut of Bounds is defined by course property fences/ lot fences and by the course-sided edge of curbing of paved roads (or the course-side edge of road paving of paved roads without curbing). Additionally, any ball coming to rest on top of the rock ledge on hole #6 is out of bounds; the wall itself is in play. The rocks at the base of the wall on Hole # 6 are loose impediments and in the general area: relief is denied.
• As well, any ball crossing a paved road and coming to rest on another part of the course is out of bounds, and the road is out of bounds. Where the boundary is defined by posts or fences, the inside points, at ground level, white posts and fence posts mark the boundary line.
• A ball coming to rest in the penalty area to the left of the cart path on Hole #10 as an added option can be dropped in the drop zone.
• Ball on Wrong Green – player must take relief (one club length, no closer the hole) if his or her ball comes to rest on a wrong green or if that wrong green interferes with his or her stance or area of intended swing. This includes the fringe.
• Embedded Ball relief is granted if ball is embedded in the general area (all areas of the golf course except for bunkers and penalty areas) it must be lifted and placed directly behind the pitch mark must be dropped from that reference point within one club length, no closer to the hole (the ball may be cleaned before dropping). If causal water exists, the player must take full relief at the nearest point, no closer to the hole, and drop the ball within one club length, no closer to the hole from that point.
• Flower Beds – Flower Beds are considered ground under repair even though not defined by white lines. Flowerbeds completely enclosed by cart paths are considered part of the Obstruction. Take one club length, not nearer the hole, drop original ball within the one club length
• Relief from Aeration Holes – Ball in General Area. If the ball comes to rest in another aeration hole the player may take relief again under this Local Rule. In addition, the committee waives stance relief. Find the nearest point of relief, not nearer the hole, place golf ball within one grip length* – *Exception: typical grip length, no extended grips or putter grips shall be used for this measurement
• Ground Under Repair – Full relief is granted in areas totally enclosed by WHITE lines and, whether so marked or not, anthills, ant beds and ant mounds. Also, treat any seams of cut turf (not the turf itself) as Ground under Repair, waving stance relief. In addition, you may take relief from animal damage to the course, waiving stance relief. Find the nearest point of complete relief from the ground under repair and drop your original ball within one club-length of that point not nearer the hole
• Protection of young trees – If a player’s ball lies anywhere on the course other than in a penalty area and it lies on or touches such a tree or such a tree interferes with the player’s stance or area of intended swing, the player must take relief, one club length, no closer to the hole.
• On hole #6, if a player’s ball has interference from the cart path behind the green AND the ball lies between the two blue stakes, as an additional option the player may drop the ball without penalty, in the area marked “Dropping Zone.” As well on hole #6, if a player’s ball lies on the course behind the cart path behind the green AND lies between the two blue stakes, should the player deem the ball unplayable, as an additional option, the player may drop a ball, under penalty of one stroke, in the area marked “Dropping Zone.”
• Ball in General Area. The player may take relief if an immovable obstruction is:
- On the line of play, and is:
- Within two club-lengths of the putting green, and
- Within two club-lengths of the ball.
- Exception – No Relief If Line of Play Clearly Unreasonable. There is no relief under this Local Rule if the player chooses a line of play that is clearly unreasonable.
• Procedure for Bad Weather and Suspensions. There will be one long blast for suspension of play. You must not continue and have to come off the golf course immediately. Two horn blast means play has resumed. Three-horn blast is for suspension of play due to darkness. Your group has the option to continue the hole only if everyone agrees and if everyone has teed off. If you have not teed off then you must not continue.
• Preferred lies – The Committee will determine the use of preferred lies when the course conditions demand it. When preferred lies are in effect, the ball must lie within the general area (all areas of the course except for bunkers and penalty areas) and must be marked, lifted, cleaned, and re-placed within a grip length* of the original spot, no closer to the hole.
*Exception: typical grip length, no extended grips or putter grips shall be used for this measurement
• Standards of Player Conduct – All players are expected to play in the spirit of the game by: Acting with integrity, showing consideration to others, and taking good care of the golf course. There is no penalty under the rules for failing to act in this way, except that the committee may disqualify a player for acting contrary to the spirit of the game if it finds that the player has committed serious misconduct.

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